Friday, January 10, 2014

Animal Euthanasia

Paragraph Writing Topic: Animal Euthanasia emphasis:Reasons Topic convict:There argon several reasons why euthanasia is conducted on animals worldwide. Nowadays, euthanasia is widely practiced in society though many people think that it is a cruel and egoistical act towards the animals. In my opinion, there argon several reasons why euthanasia is conducted on animals worldwide. Firstly, animals ar humanely assemble fling off to minimize their pain and suffering. Dogs which are diagnosed with chronic indisposition such(prenominal) as mitral valve disease usu totallyy exhibit difficulties in breathing, loss of appetite and have swollen abdominal muscle part. treatment and surgery for these diseases are extremely expensive and owners cleverness not be able to afford it. Thus, we have to guess that in decree to minimize the suffering of the animal, owners will take on to put their dog to sleep. Secondly, euthanasia is practiced to prevent the kerfuffle of disease. In c ommercialized farm, livestock are kept c ache up to individually other as producers practice intensive cultivation system. bloodline which are sick must be euthanized because disease spread easily in intensive farms. It will be truly risky for farmers to keep those sick animals and they may lose all their livestock.
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Thirdly, the frame of stray population can be cut back through euthanasia. This method is practiced by Society for the legal profession of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) to control the number of stray cats and dogs. This is because SPCA which is an animal cherish does not have luxuriant space and funds to back up all the strays. Those which are healthy and have high to be adopted misfortune will receive a support ! chance to live. It is conk out to euthanize the strays whose welfare is not taken thrill of than letting them vomit around dark corners of the city suffering. solely in all, I think euthanasia cannot be avoided and should be conducted on animals when necessary.If you indispensableness to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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