Sunday, April 14, 2013

School Violence

School Violence

Prevalence, Fears, and Prevention

School violence in some fashion exists almost e rattlingwhere. each time anything serious happens it is always compared to Columbine. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris had a plan. Obsessed with flushed video games and paramilitary techniques, they spent a year assembling an arsenal of semiautomatic guns and homemade bombs with which to perpetrate a disgust that this nation will never for get under ones skin.

Dubbed the Trench Coat mafia for their habit of wearing black impinge coats, the boys had long been bullied and despise by classmates, so they decided to flex a secondary muscle, Having no particular reason to live, they decided to kill themselves, scarce in the process they also wanted to kill as many of their classmates as they could and blow up the school.

The day originally their rampage, they sent an email to the local police declaring that their revenge against those who ridiculed them had been accomplished. They unholy parents and teachers for turning their children into intolerant sheep, and then announced their own suicide. It was a bizarre forewarning.

At 11:30 a.m. on April 20, 1999, they hid weapons and bombs beneath their trench coats and then ran though the school, yelling and shooting. When they reached the library, they cornered and killed their largest number of victims to begin with turning their guns on themselves. It all happened quickly, but with devastating impact. after(prenominal) police got into the building, they counter 34 casualties. Fifteen students died in the melee, including the shooters.

Yet the columbine massacre didnt stop there. In fact, around the country there were a number of copycat overtures that closed down schools in several states. Across the nation after the 1999 Columbine tragedy, some other kids called in bomb threats, wore trench coats to school, or used the Internet...

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Good eassy. precise vivid. TONS of sources. But I did notice some clean-up that force be needed:

·< substantiation/> --this shows up in the 4th section, WHAT ARE SCHOOLS DOING TO remediate SAFETY?

you definetly know what youre writing about. Informative, really salutary researched and well strung together. Only a few minor well-formed errors that can easily be fixed. Well done

very informative and very well researched. The only thing I noticed was that, at the beginning, THEY was used a few times in a row - try finding other ways to resuscitate to previously mentioned people. But it wasnt so much that it was bothersome.

Great employ! Do you know grade you received for it?

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