Friday, April 12, 2013

"Industrial Revolution: From Blood and Iron"

Industrial Revolution: From Blood and Iron

--Overview: This essay reviews the Political, Social, and stinting situations of France and Britain during the french and Industrial Revolutions.

--Improvements: Could use a better conclusion.

--Question(s): The French and the Industrial Revolution occurred almost simultaneously. Many Historians have argued that this was no mere coincedence. In what ways were the two revolutions similar in their social, political, and economic consequences? In which ways different? Would you agree that the events in France and Britain were part of the same revolutionary process? Be original to include a discussion of Napoleons influence.


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The Industrial Revolution changed the front of the planet as we know it. Europe catapulted itself into a sweet era through the use of weight-lift, coal, steam, and steel. The Businessmen/Bourgeoisie similarly exploited the workers who man-powered the machines and tools that fueled this revolution. This passage shall shed some vindicated on the French and British Revolutions.


By the 1780s, Britain had established itself as wiz of the business juggernauts of their time. One of the major factors of Britains success was the abundance of coal, lignite, and iron ore deposits. Britain, unlike any other country, had many large deposits most located near each other.

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This meant after mining the rough materials, it took very little time to get them to the factories to be neat and manufactured into goods or fuel.

Britain also had an enormous population of workers. thither was 20 percent (plus) of the population living in cities of 100,000 or more. This entailed to many humongous cities that became centers of its industrial revolution. Much of the British dig up population although poor were not

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living just on subsistence, unlike the equipoise of the European countries. (Western Civilizations + Notes)

Britain was also seeing...

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