Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Human struggle for power in Genesis and Exodus

Both Genesis and Exodus address the issue of pitying spot and how God limits it. Both provide physical evidence of hu mankind violence, yet also show Gods purpose in limit it. Humans in Genesis and Exodus were constantly in a power struggle with God, as is shown by their disobedience, rebellion, and greed.

In Genesis, man and woman disobey God. They believe that they should control their own fates, and consequently fail to heed Gods commands. Because they ate the fruit for the Tree of friendship of Good and Evil, the eyes of both of them were opened (NIV 3:7). This is the initial reason God must limit homo power. As punishment for both mankinds disobedience and greed, He increases Eves pains in childbearing (NIV 3:16) and makes passs work into painful toil (NIV 3:17). In this situation, God must limit human power because of the possibility of more wrongdoing. God realizes that if Adam and Eve bed be convinced to eat of one tree, then their crotchet would surely tempt them to take also from the Tree of disembodied spirit and eat, and live forever (NIV 3:22). To prevent this, God teaches Adam and Eve of their own human mortality and sets a justification with a flaming sword (NIV 3:24) in anterior of the Tree of Life.

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God therefore uses His power as originator of man in shape to change mans position in nature. If Adam and Eve had eaten of the Tree of Life, they would fix become corresponding God and the angels. God protects his relationship with man by straining man for his mistakes and limiting the control that humans can have over their own fates.

An example from Exodus in which human disobedience and greed lead to divine interference is the figment of the plagues in Egypt. Because...

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