Monday, March 4, 2013

Wooot My Essay

Plant Pathogen Wanted Poster Grading Rubric
1. Photographs

level 4
on that point ar two
excellent photographs
of the pathogen and
infect soldiers in color.

Level 3
There is one
excellent photograph
of the infected host,
and one picture or
rough drawing of the

Level 2
There is only one
photograph of either
the infected host or
pathogen itself,
neither of which are in

Level 1
There are neither
photographs of
the infected host
nor pathogen.

2. Identification

There is an excellent
verbal description of the
Identification of the
pathogen including
reference to h every and
omen as well as a
diagnostic test in the
dramatics or laboratory.

There is a basic
description of the
soft touch and symptoms
of the disease.
There is no
reference to a
diagnostic test in the
field or laboratory.

There either a
reference to a sign or
symptom, but not
both. There is no
reference to a
diagnostic test in the
field or laboratory.

There is no
reference at all to
sign, symptom or

3. Information

There are excellent
descriptions (or
drawings) of its life
cycle, reproduction,
category, taxonomy,
fictitious name, and any known

There are basic
descriptions of its life
cycle, reproduction,
category, taxonomy,
Alias, and any
known accomplices.

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There is information
missing concerning:
life cycle,
or Alias/Accomplices.

There is no
information about
the pathogen

4. Host /

An excellent
description of the
pathogens common
victim(s) and where it
hides out. Describes
the motives of the
pathogen in selecting
its victims/host.

A good description
of the pathogens
common victim(s)
and where it hides

A good description of
either the pathogens
common victim(s) or
where it hides out, but
not both.

There is no
mention of hosts
or reservoirs for
this plant

Transmission /
Vector...If you want to get a full essay, pasture it on our website: Orderessay

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