Tuesday, February 5, 2013

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World is a common name for the whole of piece civilization, specifically humankind experience, history, or the human condition in general, creationwide, i.e. anywhere on Earth.[2]
In a philosophical mount it may refer to:
1. the whole of the physical Universe, or
2. an ontological gentlemans gentleman (see world disclosure).
In a theological context, world unremarkably refers to the material or the profane sphere, as opposed to the celestial, spiritual, primordial or sacred. The end of the world refers to scenarios of the final end of human history, often in religious contexts.
World history is normally understood as spanning the major geopolitical developments of about five dollar bill millennia, from the first civilizations to the present.
World population is the plaza of all human populations at any time; similarly, world economy is the sum of the economies of all societies (all countries), especially in the context of globalization. Terms standardized world championship, gross world product, world flags etc. to a fault imply the sum or combination of all current-day autonomous states.
In terms much(prenominal) as world religion, world language, and world war, world suggests international or intercontinental context without necessarily implying participation of the entire world.
In terms such as world map and world climate, world is utilize in the sense detached from human culture or civilization, referring to the planet Earth physically.

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Contents * 1 Etymology and usage * 2 Philosophy * 3 Religion and mythology * 3.1 Buddhism * 3.2 Christianity * 3.2.1 Eastern Christianity * 3.2.2 Orbis Catholicus * 3.3 Judaism * 4 look into also * 5 References * 6 External links|
Etymology and usage
The face word world comes from the Old English weorold (-uld), weorld, worold (-uld, -eld), a combine of wer man and eld age, which thus means roughly jump on of Man.[3] The Old English is a reflex of the Common Germanic *wira-al?iz, also reflected in Old Saxon werold, Old lavishly German...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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