Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Junk Food

chuck out Food: Not always easy to swallow Digesting argufy regimen facts can take a strong stomach. hither are a few facts to chew on out front your crack open another can of coke รข€¦ Junk Food Advertising The fare industry spends over $33 jillion per year in the US alone to advertise food products that could be classified as fling food. The majority of food advertising during childrens television programming is for sweetened cereals, velvet drinks, candy, processed snacks and fast foods. The total American child sees more or less 20,000 ads a year for junk food. Over 90% of American children eat at McDonalds at least at once per month American teen eonrs drink an average of 760 can of soda egress per year (with boys drinking about 25% more than girls). The average American of any age drinks over 500 cans of velvet drinks per year. Nearly 20% of children under 2 years of age are given soft drinks every day in America! The average person today consumes more scrawl in two weeks than a person a one C ago would have eaten in a whole year. Thats a junk food fact! Harmful personal effects of Junk Food The regular consumption of junk food is the leadership factor in obesity and excess tilt. Obesity is hour only to smoking as a cause of finish in America.
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46% of Canadian adults are either gruelling or obese, with obesity in children increasing three-fold over the gone 2 decades. Consumption of soft drinks containing sugar has been linked to weight gain and an increased risk for development of type 2 diabetes. Studies have revealed that obese people have twice the roam of chronic health problems as people of normal weight. This includes a 100% greater chance of developing Type 2 diabetes, 50% increased likelihood of developing heart disease. corpulent men are nearly 90% more seeming to get colon cancer. Junk food diet is a major cause of heart diseases. High cholesterol resulting from junk food puts undue strain on the liver, causing long-term damage to... If you want to get a full essay, bon ton it on our website: Orderessay

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