Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Aging Workforce

Many Baby Boomers alike Wiener are extending their work careers for emotional as head as financial reasons. As Freedman and Moen explain, "wellness and higher status have been stretched, creating the possibility of a fresh decades-long st advance of action history between the career- and family-building phase and the onset of true old age: the third age" (B1). Pre-boomers and boomers are beginning to realize new careers during these "bonus decades" in ways that are changing the work force and stereotypes of older workers in American society.

Many pre-boomers and boomers are works past traditional privacy days for meaning as well as income, often taking positions where they are qualified to help those in need. Studies show that seventy percent of "free burning physical and mental health in later life can be attributed to lifestyle and environment," with love, work, strong social ties and the dexterity to remain "engaged and productive" key aspects of lifestyle (Freedman and Moen B1). atomic number 53 report published by the American Association of Retired pot (AARP) revealed that almost 80 percent of boomers are planning to touch in paid labor during the traditional retirement years (Freedman and Moen B1). With the changing age demographic in the workplace overly come special challenges and issues for organizations.

One of the issues arising due to the changing demographic of the older American worker is conflict among incompatible generations of workers. uniform the wo

Older workers have needfully that are distinct from younger generation workers, from health issues to issues link up to caring for aging parents. Various studies have shown distinctions between different generations of workers in relation to a number of issues and aspects of work.
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For instance, Bohle, Di Milia, Fletcher and Rajaratnam conducted a study that revealed "Older workers are widely believed to experience greater worry than younger workers adapting to shift work and irregular work schedules" (155). The authors bear on the changed demographic of the workforce demands a great deal to a greater extent(prenominal) research into the specific issues of health, gumshoe, performance and others that impact older workers. Wegman and McGee also advocate the need for "focusing on the health and safety needs of older workers" at a time when millions of hoi polloi are working through what used to be considered the retirement years in American society (1).

Wegman, David H., and McGee, James P. Health and Safety Needs of Older Workers. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2004.

rkplace has become more ethnically diverse, so Lancaster and Stillman argue it has become more generationally diverse. The authors tell the demographic of the workplace into four distinct generations with distinct determine and experiences from each other: Traditionalists (born before 1945); Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1961); genesis Xers (born between 1965 and 1980); and the Millennial Generation (born af
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