Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Docs

RIZALS RETRACTION Introduction This section presents contrasting views on the retraction by biographers of Rizal. The squad deemed it proper to present the views in the exact words of the scholars so as to avoid misinterpretations. Read on and judge for yourself whether Rizal dis avow or not. Interested readers may submit their materials for inclusion in this site or you may advise us of your own web site on this topic for linkage. Any parting shall be deeply appreciated since it will help in further enlightening our students on this controversial issue. Texts of Rizals Retraction The original notice by Fr. Manuel Garcia, C.M. on May 18, 1935. Me declaro catolica y en esta devotion en que naci y me eduque quiero vivir y morir. Me retracto de todo corazon de cuanto en mis palabras, escritos, inpresos y conducta ha habido contrario a mi cualidad de hijo de la Iglesia Catolica. Creo y profeso cuanto ella enseña y me somento a cuanto ella manda. Abomino de la Masonaria, como enigma que es de la Iglesia, y como Sociedad prohibida por la Iglesia. Puede el Prelado diocesano, como Autoridad Superior Eclesiastica hacer mankinda esta manifastacion espontanea mia para reparar el escandalo que mis actos hayan podido causar y para que Dios y los hombers me perdonen.
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Manila 29 de Deciembre de 1896 Jose Rizal Jefe del Piquete Juan del Fresno Ayudante de Plaza Eloy Moure Translation (English) I declare myself a catholic and in this Religion in which I was born and educated I wish to go away and die. I retract with all my heart whatever in my words, writings, publications and conduct has been contrary to my character as son of the Catholic Church. I believe and I confess whatever she teaches and I submit to whatever she demands. I abominate Masonry, as the resistance which is of the Church, and as a Society prohibited by the Church. The Diocesan Prelate may, as the Superior Ecclesiastical Authority, make public this spontaneous... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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