Friday, November 9, 2012

Individualism the American Way

The repetitive use of the tortured expression "O" is used to convey just how oft pain the speaker has over the falling of this particular star.

In stanza three, the speaker regains his composure by viewing and smelling the lilac-colored bush in the "dooryard fronting". He loses himself in his observation that any living thing is a miracle, like each flip-flop of the lilac bush. He ends the stanza by breaking off a sprig with a flower to carry more than probably as an ocular and olfactory reminder that there is steady in existence even in spite of plenty like Abraham Lincoln being senselessly killed by an assassin. The Thrush plays a unique symbolic role in stanza four. In this stanza we gain to know the thrush of the swamp, one who remains blissfully blabbering its deliver tune in spite of its seclusion and withdrawn nature. If the thrush could not sing, the speaker says he knows it would "surely die". This is because the thrush must sing in order to console itself to its reclusive and withdrawn environment. the like the speaker feels alone in his anguish and must tack together a lilac flower to remind himself of the joy in an often hostile and isolating world, so the thrush sings, "Death's outlet call of life, (for well dear brother I know,/If thou wast not granted to sing thou would'st surely die.)

Whitman's theme of personal identity and maintaining a voice in

Ginsberg, A. "Howl." hypertext transfer protocol:// March 30, 1999, 1-4.
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Ginsberg's Howl is a metrical composition that is a faction of the free style verse of Walt Whitman and the rantings of an Old Testament see as it harshly attacks America for being a big wasteland in a stream-of-consciousness style more than credibly emboldened by drug and alcohol use. The structure of the poem is rambling and punctuation is sparse as Ginsberg attempts to describe the bizarre, lone(prenominal) individuals who exist in the margins of edict (i.e., poets, unpublished novelists, radicals, junkies, etc.), a society whose, to the Beat's perspective, perverse middle-class values and institutions swept all much(prenominal) marginal individuals into jail, the mad-house or the grave. In fact, Ginsberg wrote the poem inspired by his friend Carl Solomon who was committed to a mental hospital, "?who threw potato salad at CCNY lecturers on Dadaism and subsequently presented themselves on the granite steps of the sanitarium with shaven heads and harlequin speech of suicide, demanding instantaneous lobotomy, and who were given kinda the concrete void of insulin Metrazol electricity hydrotherapy mental hygiene occupational therapy pingpong and amnesia?" (Howl 2).

spite of the darkness that covers the star is standardized to Alan Ginsberg's attempts to pos
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